Saturday, October 10, 2015

Ministerial Confirmation : Senate Has Power To Set Panel For Amaechi - Presidency

With just four days to the Tuesday date for the screening and possible confirmation
of the ministerial nominees, the Presidency has said the Senate is empowered by
the constitution to set its criteria and conditions for the screening of prospective

The Senior Special Assistant to the President on National Assembly Matters, Senator
Ita Enang, stated this on Friday while speaking with reporters in Abuja.
The Senate has set October 13, 14 and 15 as the dates for screening of 21
ministerial nominees submitted to it by President Muhammadu Buhari.
Enang, who was answering question on the demand of the Senate that ministerial
nominees must submit certified true copy of their assets declaration forms, said the
Senate is free to set its criteria for the screening of ministerial nominees appearing
before it.
He noted that the nominees are expected to comply with whatever standard,
principles, measures, norms or conditions set by the Senate in the course of their
He said, “The Senate is the Senate of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and it is free to
set its criteria for the screening of the nominees appearing before it. Our job is to
make sure that we work with the respective senators and the nominees to make
sure that the senators are satisfied and agree with the nomination.
“We will not dispute with the Senate what they want because it absolutely lies in the
heart and mind of the respective and distinguished senators to determine what
questions to ask.
“The senators are free to ask questions just like the nominees are equally free to
answer them.
“The senators are within their rights to request for what they want.
On the gains of the recent meeting between President Buhari and the leadership of
the National Assembly, he said the meeting had further cemented the mutual
relationship between the two arms of government.

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