Sunday, October 11, 2015

Mike Enahoro, dies at 76

By Simon Ebegbulem & Lekan Bilesanmi
Legendary  broadcaster, Mike Enahoro, is dead. Aged 76, he was said to have passed on, Friday night. Details of the circumstances surrounding the death were not available at press time.
Mike was  brother to the late elder statesman, Anthony Enahoro, and Peter Enahoro, a former Managing Director of Daily Times. He was the youngest of the trio. Mike rose through the ranks at the Nigerian Televison Authority (NTA) to become its Director General. He was popular with viewers  because of his diction and traditional Ishan dress. Mike was a man of many parts while in NTA. He was a newscaster, producer,director and presenter. His last appearance was on Channels TV 40 years of exemplary service in broadcasting for  veteran newscaster, Bimbo Oloyede.
The death threw Uromi in Esan North East LGA, Edo State into mourning, yesterday.
A former Commissioner for Energy and Water Resources in the state, Mr Chris Ebare, described the deceased  as a role model who will be missed not only by the people of Uromi but also the entire nation.
“He was a great son of Uromi Kingdom, a role model to the youths. Once you speak our dialect to him he will draw you closer. Whenever he was around when we were in primary school, he would share money for us”, Ebare said.
“Even when he retired from NTA, I met him severally, he gave me a lot of advice and how to be a man in life. I must say that Uromi in particular, Edo  and Nigerians in general have lost a great son, he was an ace broadcaster. He always called me young lawyer.
“We benefited from his generosity and wisdom. I was shocked when I heard it today, may his soul in peace. My father actually built their house in Uromi 1931”.
Sunday Vanguard learnt, last night, that the family in Uromi was consulting with members  in Lagos where the broadcaster was said to have died after a brief illness.

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