Sunday, October 11, 2015

MEN'S CORNER: 10 Practical Style Tips

10 Practical Style Tips

Photo Credit: Athena from Fab Styling 101
These tips go beyond matching your belt and shoes; you’ll emerge more confident and stylish just by paying attention to these few simple ideas. These are more practical than stylish to be honest.
  1. Pay attention to your trouser length: The fold (or no fold) your trouser creates at your feet are called breaks. Avoid the flap trousers create around the ankle – this occurs when the trousers are too long. Get a tailor to fix the hems, by turning them up (as long as there is enough fabric to work with). Aim to have the hem skim the top of your shoes.
    Quarter Trouser Break
  1. Avoid washing Jeans: Its better to spend a little bit extra when buying jeans, selvedge denim (also known as selvage) to be exact. They go longer without a wash. When you wash your jeans too much, you end up ruining the feel and the fit of the jeans.
    Selvedge denim fabric (1)
    Selvedge Denim

  1. A fit body is the best style statement: Like Rick Owens said, “Working out is modern couture. No outfit is going to make you look or feel as good as having a fit body.” I certainly have some work to do on this topic. Exercising about 3 times a week for at least 30 minutes each time will leave you looking better in what you wear.
  1. Keep it Simple at the gym: The gym isn’t a runway, breathable and comfortable gym clothes are more important. I’m sure you’ve seen people turn up for a jog or at the gym like they are going for a barbeque. Keep it simple and light.
  1. Pull trousers up when you sit down: Fabrics, particularly wool and flannel sag a bit around the knee when you get seated a couple of times. Avoid this by pulling your trousers up slightly before you sit down – this way, you keep the fabric from stretching. Make sure you have good socks to show of though.
  1. Get your socks right: Your socks, if visible, should add value to your outfit not take away. With suits, use thin (silk or cotton) socks that are long enough to cover your ankles when you sit down. No show socksare better if you’re wearing shorts with low top sneakers or loafers.
    No show socks/Invincible socks
  1. Proper UnderwearLooser boxershorts are growing in popularity; they go better with free flowing trousers or shorts because with tighter trousers or shorts, there is the possibility of visibly gathered underwear fabric folds showing on the surface. With tighter jeans or a close fitting suit for instance, it’s better to opt for slim, tighter boxers.
    Loose boxers
    Closer fitting boxers
  1. Wrinkle Free or Non-Iron Shirts: Wrinkled clothes don’t look good on anyone. Linen, we all know, naturally has a slightly wrinkled look, so that can be excused – otherwise, invest in non-iron shirts. They tend to stay wrinkle free and if you find yourself in a place or situation with no power, they become extra handy. Guess what? They also come in 100% cotton – you won’t be trading quality by having a couple in your wardrobe.
    Non Iron performance shirt
  1. Smell Good: I get a significant amount of compliments from smelling good. I tend to sweat a lot, so it’s more a practical thing to do on my part. Whatever the case maybe, find that fragrance that gets you the most compliments and stick with it.
  1. Don’t always expect it to fit off the rack: Whatever you buy, the likelihood of it fitting exactly how you want it is not guaranteed, unless of course it’s a Qollars Tailored fit shirt. You’ll find that, sometimes, even after trying it out in the fitting room, when you get home and try it again, it could feel and fit different. Find a good tailor and get it to fit you properly. Source: Fresh Sqoller 

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